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N.K.Virtual Embassy Services
The Consulate Court of Foreign Affairs 

The Crown Royal Courts:
The office of the Prime Minister 

The Royal Council determines the general direction of the Numi Kingdom Monarchy Government is structured in Kingdom activities and ensures coordinated and purposeful work of the Royal Courts in the Numi Kingdom. 

The office of the Prime Minister is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet. In a minority of systems, notably in semi-presidential systems, a prime minister is the official appointed to manage the civil service and execute the directives of the head of Kingdom State.

List of Royal Courts
links to the Ministries 

I. Court of Foreign Affairs ( COFA)

II. Court of Finance (COF)

III. Court of Information and Technology (COIT)

IV. Court of Health (COH)

V. Court of Energy and Environment (CORE)

VI. Courtof Trade and Economic Development (COTED)

VII. Court of Women, Children, and Youth (COWCY)

VIII. Court  of  Education (COE)

IX. Court of Justice (COJ)

X. Court of Art and Culture (COAC)

XI. Court of Public Relations (COPR)

XII. Court of Domestic Affairs (CODA)

XIV. Court of UN Relations (COUR)

XV.  Court of Correspondence (COC)

XVI. Court of Kingdom Defense and MMI Security (COKDM)
           (Mauri Military intelligence)

XVII. Court of Domestic Affairs (CODA)

Contact Information emails:

The Prime Minister:
[email protected]

Foreign Affairs:
[email protected]

[email protected]

His majesty:
[email protected]

Her Majesty:
[email protected]

Contact Office


Administrative offices that service Courts of the Crown which are within that description of Monarchy Kingdom departments for the Kingdom of Numi.

Sovereign Authority:
The King of Numi exercises His sovereign authority by following the provisions in the Royal Chair Constitution of the King's word and legislation. It represents the Kingdom in matters pertaining to foreign powers. A total or partial review of the Constitution is subject to joint agreement by the King and the King's Royal Council and The Royal Courts, an assembly elected by Numidian citizens.

Legislative power is shared between the Royal Council who initiates laws and the Royal Council that passes them. Executive power is under the supreme authority of the King, and the Kingdom is governed by a King's Royal Council who represents the Royal Courts the Monarchy Kingdom System assists.

The King's Royal Council and the Kingdom System are responsible to the King for the administration of the Kingdom. In law, judicial power is held by the King. The present Royal Chair Constitution of the King's word delegates the entire exercise of these powers to the courts and tribunals that dispense justice in His name the King.

The other prerogatives of the Sovereign:
The Sovereign also exercises the right to grant pardon and amnesty, naturalization and recovery of the Numidian nationality. Lastly, the reigning King bestows orders, titles, and other distinctions. The Sovereign King is assisted in exercising certain constitutional prerogatives by the Royal Council. It can be consulted by the King on issues relating to State interests. The Royal Council expresses an opinion on Bills and draft Ordinances that are submitted to it for examination by the King. It may also be consulted on other matters. 

Monarchy Kingdom System responsibilities:
Drafting Bills Although legislation is initiated by the King, the Royal Council of Monarchy Kingdom System has the task of presenting the King with new Bills, following their signature by the King Royal Council . Regulatory powers Having the task of implementing laws, overseeing the civil service, and maintaining public order, the Monarchy Kingdom Systems possesses regulatory powers for these purposes. As for legislation, regulatory powers consist of laying down general measures. There are two types of regulatory instruments: Sovereign Ordinances which most often have the purpose of implementing legislation and only become enforceable once they have been signed by the Sovereign and published in the official Gazette, the Journal de' Numidia Ministerial Decrees that implement legislation, and Sovereign Ordinances and that only become enforceable if no opposition is expressed by the King within the ten days following their circulation by the King Royal Council .  

The King and the Royal Council, the Royal Court General Responsibilities Under the Royal Chair Constitution of the King's word, the Royal Council of Monarchy Government have been given the eminent mission of running the Kingdom. In this regard, the Royal Council of Monarchy Government and the Royal Court is under Monarchy Government institutions. The King is the commander of the Royal Military intelligence (RMI) and The Crown force under direct orders from the King. Royal Council is responsible for general policing and the maintenance of public order. The King oversees the scrupulous implementation of Ordinances. 

The Royal Chair Constitution of the King's word establishes the principle of 'delegated justice' - the King holds judicial power, and He delegates the entire exercise of these powers to the Royal Indigenous Courts that dispense justice in His name. Separating administrative, legislative, and judicial functions, this principle is substantially different from that of 'retained justice' by which, in the past, the sovereign exercised judicial powers himself. The independence of magistrates, which is an essential precondition for the independence of justice, is guaranteed by the Royal Chair Constitution of the King's word. The judges are irrevocable - they cannot be removed, suspended, or transferred as can civil servants. The law establishes the status of magistrates, the organization, jurisdiction, and operation of the King Royal Indigenous Courts and lays down principles giving defendants the best guarantees of impartial treatment and expertise: collegiate nature of the Royal Indigenous Courts, separation of prosecution and investigation in criminal matters, a three-tier Tribunal Royal Indigenous Court structure, and avenues of appears.


Prime Minister:
Dr. Tari Gold Okpuruke

The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Numidoria, Dr. Tari Gold Okpuruke, is a distinguished leader whose dedication to the kingdom and its people is evident through his strategic vision and tireless efforts on the global stage. Appointed to one of the highest offices in the land, Dr. Okpuruke is responsible for steering the kingdom’s domestic and international policies, ensuring that Numidoria thrives both economically and politically. With a deep understanding of global dynamics and a commitment to sustainable development, he has successfully positioned Numidoria as a key player in international affairs, fostering strong diplomatic ties and advancing the kingdom's interests across the world.

Under Dr. Okpuruke’s leadership, the Prime Minister's office has become a hub of innovation and progress, driving initiatives that reflect Numidoria's commitment to global peace, economic stability, and cultural exchange. He is known for his ability to navigate complex global challenges, forging strategic alliances that benefit not only Numidoria but also its partners. His work has led to increased foreign investment, strengthened national security, and an enhanced international profile for the kingdom. Dr. Okpuruke’s tenure as Prime Minister embodies a deep sense of duty to the monarchy, the citizens, and the global community, making him a cornerstone of Numidoria’s future prosperity and influence.