
Laws of the Kingdom of Numi

Lèse-Majesté Law of the Kingdom of Numi 

Article 1: Definition of Lèse-Majesté Against the King and Queen Lèse-majesté shall be defined as any act, statement, or publication, whether written, spoken, or depicted, that insults, defames, or undermines the dignity, authority, or reputation of the King or Queen of the Kingdom of Numi.

Article 2: Scope of Protection This law protects: 1.  His Royal Majesty the King of Numi* and *Her Majesty the Queen of Numi.  2. The titles, offices, and official roles of the King and Queen. 3. Any official duties, representations, or symbols associated with the King and Queen.

Article 3: Defamation and Insult* 1. Defamation: Any individual who knowingly spreads false statements, rumors, or misinformation intended to harm the reputation of the King or Queen shall be subject to imprisonment for a term ranging from three (3) to eight (8) years and/or a fine. 2. Insult:  Any individual who publicly insults or disrespects the King or Queen through words, gestures, or actions shall be subject to imprisonment for a term ranging from one (1) to five (5) years and/or a fine.

Article 4: Public Disrespect Public demonstrations, speeches, artistic expressions, or any other public acts that are intended to show disrespect or contempt for the King or Queen shall result in imprisonment for a term ranging from six (6) months to five (5) years and/or a fine.

Article 5: Media and Publications 1. Offensive Publications: Any media outlet, publication, or broadcast that disseminates content insulting the King or Queen shall face penalties, including the suspension of operations, a fine, and/or imprisonment of responsible individuals for a term ranging from one (1) to seven (7) years. 2. Social Media: Individuals using social media platforms to insult or defame the King or Queen shall be subject to imprisonment for a term ranging from one (1) to four (4) years and/or a fine.

Article 6: Symbolic Representations 1. Desecration of Images: Any act that involves the desecration, defacement, or destruction of images, statues, or symbols representing the King or Queen shall result in imprisonment for a term ranging from two (2) to six (6) years and/or a fine. 2. Misuse of Royal Titles or Names:  Any unauthorized or disrespectful use of the names, titles, or likenesses of the King or Queen in commercial or public domains shall result in legal action, including fines and imprisonment of responsible parties for a term ranging from one (1) to three (3) years.

Article 7: False Accusations False accusations or claims made against the King or Queen, intending to undermine their integrity or the perception of their roles, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term ranging from three (3) to ten (10) years and/or a fine.

Article 8: Conspiracy Against the Crown Any conspiracy or organized effort to undermine or disrespect the authority and dignity of the King or Queen shall result in severe penalties, including imprisonment for a term ranging from five (5) to twenty (20) years and/or a substantial fine.

Article 9: Protection of Royal Honor Any act that challenges or disrespects the personal honor, virtues, or moral standing of the King or Queen shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term ranging from two (2) to seven (7) years and/or a fine.

Article 10: International Cooperation and Prosecution 1. Reporting to International Agencies: Any act of lèse-majesté against the King or Queen that crosses national borders or involves foreign nationals may be reported to international law enforcement agencies such as INTERPOL, the FBI, or other agencies with which the Kingdom of Numi chooses to collaborate. 2. International Prosecution: Individuals accused of lèse-majesté may be subject to prosecution by the Kingdom of Numi's appointed international attorney. Such cases can be pursued in international courts or through mutual legal assistance treaties with other nations. 3. Extradition: The Kingdom of Numi may seek the extradition of individuals accused of lèse-majesté from other countries, pursuant to applicable international laws and treaties. 4. Law Enforcement Cooperation: The Kingdom of Numi’s law enforcement agencies shall work in conjunction with their international counterparts to ensure that justice is served, regardless of where the offense occurs.

Article 11: Domestic Legal Handling 1. Prime Minister's Office: Cases of lèse-majesté may be reported to the Prime Minister’s Office for immediate attention and coordination with relevant legal authorities. 2. Ministry of Justice: The Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Numidoria shall be responsible for the legal processing and prosecution of lèse-majesté cases within the Kingdom. They shall ensure that all legal proceedings are conducted with the utmost respect for the dignity of the King and Queen. 3. Legal Attorney: The Kingdom’s appointed legal attorney shall represent the Crown in all legal proceedings related to lèse-majesté, both domestically and internationally, ensuring that justice is pursued with the full weight of the law. 

Article 12: Enforcement and Appeals 1. Enforcement: This law shall be enforced by the judiciary and law enforcement agencies of the Kingdom of Numi. Special tribunals may be established to handle cases involving violations against the King or Queen. 2. Appeals: Convictions under this law may be appealed to the highest courts of the Kingdom of Numi, but strict confidentiality and respect for the dignity of the King and Queen shall be maintained throughout the legal process.

Lèse-Majesté Law of the Kingdom of Numi pdf