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Six Regions, One Kingdom: Embracing Sovereign Authority
"I Am that I Am"
Swnyni Nanini
سونيني نانيني

And SoNiNi NaNiNi said to Mosheh, "I am that which I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Yisra'ěl, 'I AM has sent me to you,"

SoNiNi NaNiNi said further to Mosheh, "Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra'el 'יהוה SoNiNi NaNiNi of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Abraham, the SoNiNi NaNiNi of Yitshaq, and the Elohim of Ya'aqob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is my remembrance to all generations.'

Go, and you shall gather the elders of Yisra'ěl together, and say to them 'יהוה 
SoNiNi NaNiNi of your father, the SoNiNi NaNiNi of Abraham, of Yitshaq, and Ya'aqob, Appeared to me, saying, " I have indeed visited you and seen what is done to you in Mitsrayim.


As the true monarch of the African Diaspora, HRM King Muja 'Dib Jamel El’ Sori-Oser مجديب جميل العسر of the name of the highest "SoNiNi NaNiNi" stands at the helm of the African Diaspora Kingdom, holding the esteemed title of High King. His Royal Majesty's authority is rooted in a hereditary monarchy, where power gracefully descends through generations within the ruling family. The African Diaspora Kingdom, also known as Numidoria, asserts itself as an autonomous and sovereign entity. Its establishment is marked by an unwavering Declaration of Sovereignty, signifying the revival of the esteemed Numidoria Kingdom.

This historical realm, flourishing since 202 B.C., experienced a modern resurgence on May 1, 2010 C.E. when His Majesty King declared himself the sovereign ruler over the African Diaspora of the name of the highest "SoNiNi NaNiNi", spanning the Halaib Triangle and the Bir Tawil Triangle. In the intricate landscape of geopolitical events, the Halaib Triangle emerges as a crucial focal point, covering a substantial terrain of 20,580 square kilometers. Over time, this region has sparked nuanced discussions on territorial boundaries between Egypt and Sudan. Another geographical entity, the Bir Tawil Triangle, with its distinct desert environment and proximity to the Red Sea, commands attention.

Within this complex mosaic, The Kingdom of Numidoria emphatically proclaims unwavering sovereignty over both the Halaib Triangle and the Bir Tawil Triangle. These distinctive territories, each laden with historical significance, serve as living testaments to Numi's enduring legacy of sovereignty and its steadfast commitment to lands historically known as the land of Kush. In the succession of the crown, King Muja-Dib of the name of the highest "SoNiNi NaNiNi" boldly asserts the right to hold land in the Bir Tawil and Hala'ib Triangle without conflicting with existing territorial land rights. This proclamation solidifies the kingdom's position and underscores its dedication to maintaining sovereignty over these vital regions.

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My fellow citizens of the African diaspora Kingdom of Numi-Numidoria,

It is with great humility and a deep sense of responsibility that I stand before you today to address the issue of humanitarian rights in the African diaspora Kingdom. As your monarch, I am proud to lead a kingdom that values diversity, equality, and justice for all. Our rich cultural heritage and our deep connection to North America, South America, and the African continent are at the heart of who we are, and we must always strive to protect and defend the rights of all members of the African diaspora.

However, despite the progress that we have made in our kingdom, the reality is that too many members of the African diaspora continue to face daily challenges to their basic human rights. Whether it is through discrimination, poverty, or lack of access to healthcare and education, the African diaspora is still one of the most marginalized and vulnerable populations in the world. This is unacceptable, and it is my duty as your monarch to speak out against these injustices and to take action to protect the rights of all members of our kingdom. This includes ensuring that our criminal justice system is fair, equitable, and free from discrimination; that our healthcare system is accessible and responsive to the needs of all citizens; and that our education system provides opportunities for all to reach their full potential. In short, we must work together to build a kingdom in which all members of the African diaspora can live with dignity, security, and prosperity.

This is not just a moral imperative, it is also a matter of practical necessity, for a kingdom that values justice for all is a kingdom that is strong and united. As we gather here today, it is important to remember that the African diaspora is a rich tapestry of diverse cultures, languages, and experiences. Despite this diversity, however, all members of the African diaspora share a common history of enslavement, colonization, and marginalization. One key area where the humanitarian rights of the African diaspora are violated is in the criminal justice system. The disproportionate number of Black people who are incarcerated, subjected to police brutality, and denied fair trials is a gross violation of their basic human rights. This highlights the systemic racism and discrimination that still exists in many parts of the world, and it is unacceptable.

Another area where the humanitarian rights of the African diaspora are threatened is in the realm of health. In many parts of the world, Black people face significant health disparities and are more likely to suffer from conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS. This is due in part to the unequal access to quality healthcare and the persistent economic and social barriers that limit their ability to lead healthy lives. In the face of these challenges, it is more important than ever that we stand up for the basic humanitarian rights of all members of the African diaspora. This includes the right to life, liberty, and security of a person; the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; and the right to work, education, and access to health care.

However, despite the progress that has been made in some countries, the reality is that too many members of the African diaspora still face daily challenges to their basic human rights, to economic exploitation, the African diaspora continues to be one of the most marginalized and vulnerable populations in the world. It is therefore our collective responsibility to speak out and take action against these injustices. Whether through activism, advocacy, or simply using our voices to amplify the voices of those who are marginalized, we must all work together to ensure that the humanitarian rights of all members of the African diaspora are respected and upheld. Finally, it is important to remember that the African diaspora is also a global community and that their humanitarian rights are violated not just within their countries of origin, but also in their countries of settlement.

For example, the high levels of unemployment, poverty, and discrimination faced by many African immigrants in Europe and North America are a clear violation of their basic human rights. In conclusion, the African diaspora is a rich and diverse community with a long and proud history. But despite the progress that has been made, the humanitarian rights of the African diaspora are still threatened by systemic racism, discrimination, and poverty. It is our duty to speak out against these injustices and to work together to build a world in which all members of the African diaspora can live with dignity, security, and prosperity of the name of the highest "SoNiNi NaNiNi". 

Thank you  

The King Royals Word
Royal House of El'Sori-Oser
مجديب جميل العسر

Prime Ruler of Numi-Numidia Kingdom 
الحاكم الرئيسي لمملكة نومي نوميديا

HRM King Muja'Dib Jamel El’Osiris, Sori, Oser

The King of Numi-Numidia exercises His sovereign authority by the provisions of the Constitution and legislation; he represents the Kingdom concerning foreign powers.

A total or partial review of the Constitution is subject to joint agreement by the King and the Royal Council, an assembly elected by Numidian citizens. Legislative power is shared between the Grand Chancellor, who initiates laws, and the Royal Council that passes them.

Executive power is under the supreme authority of the King, and the Kingdom is led by a Grand Chancellor who represents the King.  The Royal Council and Ministers assists.
They are responsible to the King for the administration of the Kingdom.

In law, judicial power is held by the King. The present Constitution states that He delegates the entire exercise of these powers to the courts and tribunals that dispense justice in His name.

The first ruler to use the title of (King of the Universe) was the Akkadian Sargon of Akkad (reigned c. 2334–2284 BC) as a descendant (as shown here). Therefore, the title of Muja'Dib is reflective and internal to the Republic of Numi.  

The Crown of Numi-Numidia

 Numi Kingdom is about saving our Planet

Our carbon footprint, will be our karma, if we don't learn how to recycle, to save our Planet. At Numi, we want to share this knowledge abroad and in our own communities. It is important to know that less is more.

U.S. flag pole during daytime